Online Video 101

Learn from the streaming masters at Maestro University.

Review guides, tutorials, comparisons, and more.

    What is Connected TV (CTV): A Guide for Enterprises

    Technology changes and evolves, but so far, the trend for most people’s viewing habits is only going one direction: up. In fact, according to GroupM, CTV represents “where all the growth is coming from” in TV, with projected revenue growth of 13.8% in 2024.

    How to Make a Smart TV App: A Step-by-Step Guide

    As you probably know, a smart TV is simply a TV with the capabilities of a modern computer: running an operating system, connecting to the internet, and hosting applications to extend its functionality. 

    Your Guide to Video Rental Software: Monetize Video Content with TVOD

    It’s easy to hear the term “video rental” and think about the failure of Blockbuster, or the evolution of Netflix away from mailed DVDs to an online streaming behemoth. But at its core, video rental is just a way for consumers to pay to watch something.

    The Ultimate Guide to Multi-Camera Streaming in 2024

    Live streaming is an essential channel for any business looking to build brand awareness and actively grow engagement with their audience. In the corporate world, live streams may include everything from a keynote address or product launch to an interactive webinar or online training.

    How to Create a Private Live Stream in 5 Steps

    When an enterprise talks about live streaming, it’s easy to think of some massive live event with thousands of attendees from around the world and tons of publicity. Now, there is a place for this sort of event – but a private live stream has its place as well.

    How to Create a Live Streaming Budget: 3 Budget Levels

    Live streaming has become an important channel for enterprises to engage with their audiences, build brand awareness, and boost sales. But like with any product launch or marketing campaign, streaming requires an investment and planning if you want to do it right.

    The Ultimate Guide to Live Green Screen Software

    Does your business currently use live streaming to engage your audience, or is looking to do so? Live streaming is a fantastic way to broadcast quality video content to customers, prospects, or anyone who your business wants to reach!

    Top 8 Enterprise Video Platforms in 2024: Live Streaming and On-Demand

    Are you looking to enhance internal communications, streamline training, and boost customer engagement with your organization through video at scale? 

    The Ultimate Guide to Live Streaming SDK for 2024

    So, you like the idea of being able to integrate live streaming into a mobile or web app that your users will love, but you’re not thrilled about the significant development resources it would require to make your live streaming feature a reality.

    The Ultimate Guide to Selling Videos Online

    Selling videos online has become a popular way for businesses and individuals to monetize their content. This can be a cost-effective and convenient alternative to traditional distribution methods, as it allows creators to reach a wider audience and generate revenue around the clock.
