Digital Art Streaming: What it is and How it Works

By Emily KringsJun 29, 2022

Online streaming is a unique way for artists to share their work with the world. It gives artists the power to call the shots over how their art is presented and how they make money from their art.

In this post, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of digital art streaming. We’ll cover what it is and why an artist can leverage this medium. From there, we will discuss how to stream digital art with the support of an art streaming platform.

Table of Contents

What is Digital Art Streaming?

Digital art streaming refers to any type of online video streaming that allows digital artists to showcase their work. This type of streaming can be used to showcase any sort of work created on a computer

Artists can use streaming to host virtual art galleries, auctions, and other events. These events can be monetized with ticketing, sponsorships, or even the sale of art pieces. 

Digital art streaming is especially important with the rise of NFTs. In fact, artists can implement live commerce strategies to sell their NFTs and other digital artwork on live streams

How to Stream Digital Art

black laptop computer on table

Streaming digital art is easy with the support of the right streaming platform and a few simple pieces of streaming equipment.

Here are the steps you can follow to bring your digital art streaming event to life.

1. Plan Your Stream

As we mentioned, there are several types of digital art streams, ranging from exclusive exhibits to art sales. Naturally, different types of streams require different levels of preparation, so it is important to identify what you’re trying to accomplish and plan accordingly. 

Map out your digital art streaming goals. Are you looking to build influence as an artist? Do you want to make money? Would you like to give your top fans an exclusive look at a new collection?

Think about who you want to join your stream. Do you have an existing following, or are your efforts meant to extend your reach?

Also, consider the timing of your event, your budget, and so forth. 

2. Gather Your Equipment

The equipment you use will make or break your stream. Luckily, there is plenty of great streaming equipment available for those with any budget. 

In addition to a video streaming platform, you’ll need:

Depending on what sort of stream you’re trying to produce, additional software, like a switcher or other production tools, might be necessary. Lighting equipment can help to improve the quality of your stream, as well.

It is important to ensure that all of the streaming tools you invest in are compatible with one another. 

3. Configure Your Setup

After you’ve gathered all of your streaming equipment, it is time to get everything set up and connected.

Again, how you configure your setup will determine the type of stream you want to produce. If there are some physical components to your art, you may want to use some sort of studio for your stream

Either way, make sure any space that will be on camera is neat and tidy. You don’t want clutter in the background of your stream.

4. Test & Start Streaming

Once everything is set up, it is time to start streaming. We recommend doing a test stream or two before your scheduled event to identify any snags in your setup.

After you’ve ensured that your system is snag-free, you can start streaming. Remember to relax, have fun with it, and let your personality shine through.

Choosing an Art Streaming Platform

man wearing black headphones near two PA speakers

There are several art streaming platforms available to artists. However, it is nearly impossible to deem a single art streaming platform as the “best” since each has different functionalities geared towards achieving different streaming goals.

With that said, a few of the best streaming platforms for artists include:

Free sites and art streaming apps, like Twitch and YouTube, are great for artists who are just starting out, but those who want to host premium art content are better off with a paid art streaming platform.

As you compare platforms, consider the features of each and how well those features will help you reach your unique goals. Also, keep your budget in mind.

Take advantage of free trials of different platforms to get a better idea of how well each platform could work for you.

Digital Art Streaming on Maestro

black dslr camera taking photo of city lights

Looking for an art streaming platform that offers flexible monetization and next-gen interactive streaming tools? Maestro could be the solution for you.

Our online video platform is equipped with all of the tools you need to have a successful digital art stream. Plus, creators keep up to 100% of the revenue that they earn from ticketing and subscriptions.

Sign up for Maestro to start streaming your digital art content today.

Join our Discord server for more helpful tips and tricks!
