The Ultimate Guide to Selling Videos Online

By Emily KringsApr 12, 2024

Selling videos online has become a popular way for businesses and individuals to monetize their content. This can be a cost-effective and convenient alternative to traditional distribution methods, as it allows creators to reach a wider audience and generate revenue around the clock.

In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about selling videos online. We will start by discussing some benefits of selling videos online and what types of videos you could sell before we dive into a step-by-step tutorial on the process. We will wrap things up with a quick list of platforms you should explore for selling videos.

Table of Contents

Why Sell Videos Online?

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There are several reasons why a business may want to sell videos online. These include expanding their reach, boosting their ROI, and more. 

Let’s explore these benefits.

Expand Your Reach

One of the key advantages of selling videos online is that it allows you to expand your reach beyond your immediate physical location. By leveraging the power of the internet, you can reach potential customers all over the world who may be interested in your content. 

With the right marketing strategy and online platform, you can target your niche audience and build a loyal customer base, which can help increase revenue and grow your brand.

It’s Cost-Effective

Selling videos online is a cost-effective way to monetize your content. Unlike traditional distribution methods, such as DVD sales, you don't have to spend money on physical copies, packaging, and shipping. 

Instead, you can upload your content to an online platform and sell it directly to your customers. This eliminates the need for intermediaries, reduces overhead costs, and maximizes your profit margins. 

Additionally, many online platforms offer affordable pricing plans and commission rates, making them accessible to creators of all sizes.

You’re in Control

Another advantage of selling videos online is that you are in control of your content and how it's distributed. With a direct-to-consumer streaming strategy, you have the ability to set your own prices, create your own marketing strategy, and choose the platform that best suits your needs. 

This allows you to experiment with different pricing models, promotional tactics, and distribution channels to find what works best for your business. Additionally, you can update and modify your content as needed, ensuring that it stays relevant and up-to-date for your customers.

24/7 Availability

When you sell videos online, your content is available to customers 24/7. This means that you can generate revenue even when you're not actively working. 

Once your content is uploaded and available for purchase, customers can buy it at any time, from anywhere in the world. This can help you reach a wider audience, increase sales, and create a steady stream of passive income. 

Additionally, many online platforms offer tools to help you manage your sales and track your earnings, making it easy to stay on top of your business.

Types of Videos to Sell Online

There are a couple of different types of videos that you can sell online, but the two most common categories are entertainment and education. Let’s break them down.

Entertainment Videos

Studio Camera At The Concert Television Shooting Photo Background And  Picture For Free Download - Pngtree

Entertainment videos are created with the primary purpose of entertaining viewers. They can include a wide variety of genres, including comedy, drama, action, and romance. 

Many entertainment videos are movies or TV shows, but there are also plenty of other videos that fall into this category as well. This could include:

  • Live streamed concerts
  • PPV sporting events
  • On-demand comedy events
  • Live podcasting events

Basically, any in-person entertainment event could be transformed into a live-streamed event, or the replay could be made available on demand.

Educational Videos

Educational videos are designed to teach viewers about a particular subject or skill. Experts in a particular field can create them and can be a great way to learn new things. 

Educational videos might cover topics like language learning, cooking, gardening, or DIY projects. They can be instructional in nature and can provide detailed step-by-step directions, or they can be more of a lecture-style presentation.

How to Sell Videos Online

Selling videos online doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, if you approach it strategically, the process is relatively seamless. Here are the steps you need to take to get started.

1. Create Your Content

The first step to selling videos is to create high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. Map out a game plan and create video content that provides value to your viewers. 

Ensure that your videos have excellent production quality, lighting, and audio. Depending on your goals and your audience, you could either invest in a professional production team or take a DIY approach. 

2. Choose a Hosting Platform

Once you have created your video content, the next step is to choose a hosting platform. If you want to retain control of your branding and such, it’s wise to host your videos on your own website with the support of an online video platform, like Maestro. 

Consider the features and pricing of each platform and choose the one that best suits your needs.

3. Set up a Sales Page

To sell your videos, you need to set up a sales page that showcases your content and provides potential customers with all the necessary information. Your sales page should include a compelling headline, an overview of your videos, pricing information, and a call to action. 

Make sure your sales page is user-friendly and mobile-responsive. An easy way to ensure this is buy ensuring that your online video platform has the tools for creating dynamic video websites.

4. Price Your Videos 

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Pricing your videos can be tricky, but it is essential to find the right balance between affordability and profitability. Research your competitors and set a price that is competitive but also allows you to make a profit. You can also offer discounts or bundle deals to attract more customers.

5. Promote Your Videos

The final step is to promote your videos and drive traffic to your sales page. Use social media platforms, email marketing, and paid advertising to reach your target audience. Collaborate with influencers and other businesses in your niche to expand your reach and attract more customers. 

Assess your marketing efforts by analyzing any data you have on user behavior and adjust your strategy as needed to maximize your sales.

5 Platforms for Selling Videos Online

There are a few platforms you should consider if you want to sell your videos online:

  1. Maestro
  2. Vimeo
  3. Amazon Prime Video Direct
  4. Udemy
  5. Teachable

Take advantage of demos and free trials to get to know the functionality of each platform better and determine if it’s the right option for you.

Sell Videos on Maestro

Looking for a reliable video platform to sell your videos online? Maestro may be the option for you.

If you’re new to Maestro, our platform offers an end-to-end solution for selling videos online. With our drag-and-drop website builder, you can set up a professional-looking streaming website with a few clicks. Choose your branding, set up your paywalls, and go live in no time.

Sign up today to host exclusive streams for your audience in no time at all.

Join our Discord server to learn more tips and tricks for streaming on Maestro.
